Both athens and sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Athens, sparta, and the struggle fro ancient greece reads from beginning to end with an inherently engaging narrative that reads with the smoothness of. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. The defeat by thebes in the battle of leuctra in 371 bc ended spartas prominent role, though it maintained its political independence until the roman conquest of greece in 146 bc. Home sparta athens men, women and children trade in ancient greece greek mythology men, women and children. The flag is the symbol of athena, the owl, with an orange field. The comparison is with athens, because we have the most reliable information about. What were the similarities between sparta and athens. The peloponnesian war 431404 bc was fought for nearly a halfcentury between athens and sparta, ancient greeces leading citystates. Spartan classes spartan social structure classes of. The main difference between athens and sparta is that athens was a form of democracy, whereas sparta was a form of oligarchy athens and sparta are two prominent greek rival citystates. This is a brief overview of some differences between the citystates of athens and sparta in ancient greece. If you prefer a reglemanted, military based, hard life, then sparta is the better of the two. Slaves were often people who were captured in war and forced to work for the enemy.
Sparta s gov was at the mercy of the military because they focused solely on that. The peloponnesian war, fought between athens and sparta from 431 to 404 bce, is perhaps the most important and also the most wellknown of all these conflicts as it helped redefine the balance of power in the ancient world. Sparta and athens these two citystates have been credited for being the cradle of western civilization. It was the famous series of wars between the persians and greeks. The peloponnesian war 431404 bc was an ancient greek war fought by the delian league led by athens against the peloponnesian league led by sparta. The lower end of the class, the helots, received what is thought to be better treatment than their peers in greece, and the spartiates proper didnt quite live the high life in the same way the upper class of athens would. Such was the reputation of the spartans army that scholars and tacticians in the present day still keenly study the battles and training. The boys learnt survival skills and other skills vital to being a soldier. This black pottery called a krater usually told a story in pictures.
A map showing location of athens and sparta with air travel direction is also provided. In ancient sparta, reading and writing were not very important, so they were taught as a secondary skill for both boys and girls. He also developed the stringent military academy of the agoge, where spartan boys were trained from childhood to adulthood. After reading the information about sparta and athens, and looking at the chart above, tell students they should be prepared to tell in which citystate they would rather live and why. Athens and sparta athens and sparta were two of the mightiest, most prominent, and famous citystates in ancient greece. A look at the differences and similarities of the lifes of women and slaves in ancient athens and sparta. Only the threat of invasion by a foreign enemy made the greeks forget their quarrels and fight on the same side. The answer is entirely subjective, depending on what you judge best.
Unlike such greek citystates as athens, a center for the arts. Sparta specialized in land conflict, and it was considered widely as the best and leading force of the greek army. It was though the city that stayed in history due to the bravery of its citizens, and its immense role in the persian wars. Athens has been continuously inhabited for at least 3,000 years, becoming the leading city of ancient greece in the first. Ancient greece brought to light the concept of democracy and ideas in the field of science and art. Sparta and athens were both greek city states that dominated ancient greece during the fifth century bce. Ancient greece was not one country, instead, independent citystates existed. Ancient sparta was built on the banks of the eurotas river, the main river of laconia, which provided it with a source of fresh water. Prominent among the states that never experienced tyranny was sparta, a fact. Sparta and athens fought a long war, called the peloponnesian war, from 431 to 404bc. Both had troubles feeding their people as the land around their citystate was barren. Ancient athenians were a thoughtful people who enjoyed the systematic study of subjects such as science, philosophy, and history, to name a few. Education was very military focused for boys and girls, so most of the skills they learnt in school were combative and war centered.
Located in the southwestern region of greece, it has also been referred to as lacedaemon. It is also the capital of laconia, which was a region on the peloponnese peninsula. As an aristocratic male, i would certainly choose athens over sparta no public school my nice tutors at home, no forced exercise just as much as i like, no tenyears living in barracks ugh. Ancient greek civilization sparta and athens britannica. Yet, as is often the case, many of the perceptions we have of ancient sparta are. Athens is the symbol of freedom, art, and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. The differences between athens and sparta eventually led to war between the two citystates. Flag of the polis of athens as, of course, the ancient greeks did not use flags, the one shown above is the symbol that athenians used on their shields and to identify themselves. Athens named for the goddess athena goddess of wisdom and knowledge population 140,000 40,000 slaves most populous in hellas sparta existence dates back to the neolithic 8,000 spartiates ruled over 100,000 enslaved and semienslaved peoples. As much as i desire to share as much as i can about the topics in the. It is known for large contributions to western civilization. Sparta founds the colony of tarentum in magna graecia. Each city state had at least a partially elected government and a strong military, and both relied on the labor of slaves.
Athens was one of the most important and powerful cities in ancient greece. Sparta was ruled by two kings and a council of elders. Distance from athens to sparta travel distance between. Girls in ancient athens were ready to marry after reaching puberty, at 12 or.
The laws of sparta were developed and written by lycurgus, a legendary lawmaker who, in the 7th century bce reorganized the political and social structure of the polis, transforming it into a strictly disciplined and collective society. Although he was to stay in his barracks until he was 30, he could marry from 20, but had to visit his wife in secrecy. Sparta, argos and paros hold the first documented musical competitions in greece. Athens, located in the attica region, had a mediterranean climate with adequate amounts of precipitation. Sparta and athens were the most powerful states of ancient greece. It was exceptional in that and in many other respects, some of which have already been noted. The plague killed an estimated 75,000 to 100,000 people and is believed to have entered athens through piraeus, the. The dolichos footrace is added to the schedule of the olympic games and is won by akanthos of sparta.
Athens unlike spartans, athenians were more interested in building a democracy than building a. Though these are not very far away from each other, there. It is famous for its powerful army as well as its battles with the citystate of athens during the peloponnesian war. Known for its highlyskilled warriors, elitist society, and its reverence for stoicism, people today still look to the spartans as model citizens in an idealist ancient society. Sparta was the principal enemy of athens during the peloponnesian war between 431 and 404 bc, from which it emerged victorious. Athens is the capital and the largest city of greece. Quiz which citystate encouraged trading with neighbors.
Would you rather live in ancient sparta or ancient athens. Sparta is thought to have been established around the 9 th century bc and remained through the 5. The peloponnesian war athens vs sparta complete ancient history see u in history. Throughout the ancient world the relationships between men and women in sparta were the cause of perplexity and consternation. The peloponnesian war is also significant because its one of the first wars documented in a reliable way. Within these two citystates there were very many similarities and differences whether that is culturally, politically, or generally. Sparta was a warrior society in ancient greece that reached the height of its power after defeating rival citystate athens in the peloponnesian.
The class structure of ancient sparta is just another reason that makes this ancient. It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in greece. Map of ancient greece peekskill city school district. The ancient greek city of sparta was the greatest military power in ancient greece and played a significant role in history ancient sparta was not as sophisticated as athens, did not create arts and crafts and has not left us any written masterpiece. Though athens and sparta were located in the same country of greece, the two were far enough apart to exhibit slightly different climates. Sparta and athens had a lot in common when it comes to the civic organisation, the structure of government, and judgement and views of women. Ancient sparta education in ancient athens and ancient. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. What is the difference between athens and sparta pediaa. Because of the unique status and behavior of women in sparta, they were often perceived as having an unnatural and dominant role. Thus, because both parts of athens government had leaders who were elected. Men 30 and over became full citizens and were expected to marry. The citystate was located on a peninsula that stretches southeastward into the aegean sea, northeast of sparta. Here is the list of some major differences between the athenian and spartan army.
Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. An impressively informed and informative work of exceptionally detailed and documented scholarship, the plague of war. Sparta is located in the region of laconia, in the southeastern peloponnese. What are the differences between athens and sparta.
Sparta and athens often fought each other in peloponnesian war. Spartan women had a reputation for being independentminded. Sparta was the commander of all greek armies during the grecopersian wars. Together with athens, sparta is one of the best known citystates of ancient greece, but during the classical period, it was a very different place to athens.
Yet, a field of militaristic organisation can be said to be unique for both sides. If, on the contrary, you prefer the confortable, lofty and academic life, athens w. Ancient sparta is one of the most wellknown cities in classical greece. The two rivals of ancient greece that made the most noise and gave us the most traditions were athens and sparta. There was an assembly of citizens, but this did not have the power of the citizen assembly in democratic athens. Despite sharing the same heritage and language, ancient spartans and athenians were very different and the two citystates were not on. The valley of the eurotas is a natural fortress, bounded to the west by mt. Given below is the distance between athens, greece and sparta, greece. Ancient greek civilization ancient greek civilization sparta and athens.
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